A Strange My Life Story

My name is Melisa,
and this is my story. When I was just three years old, I lost both my parents in a tragic car accident. Our neighbors, unable to care for me, handed me over to an orphanage. My time there was filled with hardship and suffering.
We were forced to work at a young age, and any money we earned was taken from us. If we failed to bring back money, we were denied food and shelter and were often beaten.

From 8 AM to 12 PM, we attended school, but after noon, we were made to work selling water, bagels, or shining shoes. If one child made a mistake, all 20 of us were punished.
Occasionally, some children would disappear, and we were told they had run away, but we never knew their true fate.

At the age of 14, I escaped the orphanage. For three months, I slept under bridges and roamed the streets, scavenging through garbage to survive.
During the day, I sold bagels and worked in a tea house. It was at this tea house that a kind family took me in and adopted me. They supported me through my education and life, and I worked hard while continuing my studies.

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A Strange My Life Story

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